Fold your serviettes into napkin swan and add a sophisticated touch to your table settings! Learn how to fold a fancy napkin that resembles a bird and an extra standing fan fold on top that will surely impress any guest! When unfolded, it works as an elegant place setting. These folds are quite simple to make and will only a minute to do! Since the napkin can be folded quickly and easily, you can also stylishly decorate your dining table with little effort. They can be used as napkins for weddings, brunches, and celebrations. Grab a napkin and let’s start folding!
Make an accordion fold for the base of the swan napkin

Let's do the swan napkin fold first. Get a square piece of a table napkin. Lay it on a flat surface.

Make an accordion fold. To make this kind of fold, fold a small part of the top edge downwards (like in the image above). Then fold it again to the back.

Keep folding it to the front and then to the back like an accordion. The folds should have the same lengths as one another. Once you reach the end, it should look something like this.
Shape the napkin into a swan

Pinch the middle of the accordion folded napkin.

Let's make the wings of the swan. Starting from the right side, fold the right part to the left, then fold a part of the right part to right again. This would make a wing of the napkin swan.

Repeat the previous step on the left side. Once done, the bird napkin is done!
This swan napkin is done and would look good on top of any plate. But, we're not yet done! Let's level up this napkin folding by giving our beautiful swan a background!
Create another accordion fold

Let's make scenery for our bird napkin by creating a double napkin fold on top of it! Grab another square napkin.

To make a fan napkin, we need to make an accordion fold. Which is the same as the accordion fold made in the swan.

Starting from the top, keep folding it to the front and then to the back like an accordion. The folds should have the same lengths as one another. Once you reach the end, it should look something like this.
Make a double fan using the accordion fold

Fold the right part of the table napkin, to the middle. This would make one fan.

Repeat the same process on the left side as well.

Flare out the right side to make the fan by lifting the topmost flap of the right part to the right.

Repeat the same process on the left side as well.

The fancy swan napkin is done!
Extra Tips
- To place these two napkins on the table, place the swan napkin on top of the plate. Position the fan napkin above the main plate in the middle. Now your guest has two napkins which they can use while eating.
- We recommend using a thick cloth for this napkin fold. If you don't have one, tissue paper will do or cloth napkin that is starched.