Create your own paper plate pig mask with the help of our printable. What’s great about this little piggy craft is that it is easy to make and the printables include a beautiful crown and an adorable bowling hat to customize the mask. Just click the green download button to create this easy peasy pig mask.
- Paintbrush
- Puncher
- Scissors
- Printable We recommend downloading the printable in an A4 thick vellum board (at least 200 gsm) so that the ears and hat will not bend when worn.
- A paper cup or something circular to trace the peephole for the m
- Paper Plate
- White and Pink Poster Paint
- Yarn
- Puncher

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Download TemplateCreate the base mask for the paper plate pig

With a pencil, draw two circles for the peephole of the mask.

To make things easier, you may use any round object to trace a circle in the mask.

Cut along the outline made to make the peephole.
You may use a cutter if you find it more manageable. Just be very careful when handling sharp objects. Ask an adult to help, and do not let small children use a cutter on their own.
Here’s a tip: Cut a small slit at the center to make it easier to cut. Insert the scissors on the slit, then start cutting along the outline.

The peephole of your mask is finished! Time to paint!
Paint the paper plate with a light pink color.

Mix a dash of pink to white paint to make the skin color of the pig.

Color the whole paper plate mask with light pink paint. Set it aside to let it dry.
Cut the printables.

Cut the outer edges of each printable.

After cutting, you should have 7 cutouts like the sample image above.
Assemble the paper plate pig mask

Stick the snout on the center of the paper plate using glue.

Paste the two oblong cutouts on the lower side of the pig mask. This will be the blush.

Flip the paper plate mask over to the other side

Attach the ears at the top part. Around the top of the peephole. Make sure the ears are peeking through the other side.

For this project, you can decorate the mask with a crown or a bowling hat. Choose what accessory you want for the pig the stick it in between the ears.

Flip the paper plate to the other side.

The paper plate pig mask is almost done! Time to attach the string for the mask.
Attach the strings of paper plate pig mask

Almost done! To wear the mask securely, strings are needed to be attached on both sides to tie on the head.

Punch a hole on the right edge of the paper plate cat mask. Punch it around the eye level.

Get a foot of yarn or string and tie it around the hole twice.

Attach a string on the left side by repeating the previous steps.

The paper plate pig mask is done!